P. 102

The Descriptive and ANOVA (Table No. 14) tries to
          figure out, is there any significant difference exist
          amongst the various sector when they avail loan for

          various purpose? In this study it is observed that
          the (F = 3.642, Sig. = 0.028 is < 0.05). This clearly
          indicated  that  there  is  no  significant  difference
          exist amongst the various sector when they avail
          loan for various purpose  and hence  alternative

          hypothesis is supported

          H05:  There  is  no  significant  difference  exists
                 amongst the  various sectors  of  industry
                 when they avail loan for various purpose

          Ha5: significant difference exists amongst the
                 various sectors  of  industry when they
                 avail loan for various purpose

                   Table No. 15 - Descriptive and ANOVA
                  (Purpose of Loan Vs. Nature of Industry)

            Sectors                       Std. De-
                         N       Mean                  F      Sig.
             Micro      170       3.19      2.205
             Small       15       3.73      2.492    0.469   0.705
            Medium       27       3.37      2.115
             Total        9       3.78     2.438

          A One-Way ANOVA was conducted to test whether
          there is any significant difference exist amongst the
          various  sectors  of  industry  when they  avail  loan

          for various purpose. For this study three sectors of
          industry, Micro Small and Medium were consider.

   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107