P. 104

A One-Way ANOVA was conducted to test whether
          there  is  any  significant  difference  exist  amongst
          the  locations  of  beneficiary  when  they  avail  loan

          for various purpose. For this study three types
          of  locations,  rural,  sub-urban, and urban were

          The Descriptive and ANOVA (Table No.16) tries to

          figure out, is there any significant difference exist
          amongst the location of beneficiary when they avail
          Mudra loan for various purpose? In this study it
          is observed that the (F = 3.278, Sig. = 0.040 is <

          0.05). This clearly indicated that there is significant
          difference exist amongst the location of beneficiary
          when  they  avail  Mudra  loan  for  various  purpose
          and hence alternative hypothesis is supported.

          H07:  There  is  no  significant  difference  exists

               amongst the age brackets of businesses
               when they avail Mudra loan for various

          Ha7: Significant difference exists amongst the

               age brackets of businesses when they avail
               Mudra loan for various purpose.

   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109