Page 14 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 14
Editors Note
It is with immense pride and a sense of tools for navigating challenges and achieving
fulfillment that we present NITI: Navigating sustainable success.
India Traditions in Industry. This book is an The legal and regulatory wisdom embedded
exploration of the profound insights offered in Nyaya philosophy provides the foundation
by India’s ancient knowledge systems and for understanding contemporary business
how they continue to shape and inspire law, offering perspectives on fairness, justice,
modern business practices. Drawing from a and ethical decision-making that are just as
rich tapestry of Vedic wisdom, philosophy, relevant today as they were centuries ago.
and sciences, this volume is an attempt to Finally, the book examines the Vedanga and
bridge the gap between India’s traditional its six auxiliary sciences, including astronomy,
knowledge and contemporary industrial mathematics, and grammar, and their
practices. connection to modern scientific management.
The research themes explored in this book By exploring these disciplines, we uncover
are as diverse as they are timeless. The methods of analysis, organization, and
foundational principles of management, systems thinking that continue to inform best
drawn from Vedic wisdom, offer a holistic practices in management today.
perspective on leadership and organizational This book is a product of the collaboration
practices. Insights from Ayurveda and the between students and faculty, each of whom
ancient sciences provide a framework for has contributed their knowledge and passion
integrating well-being and sustainability into to bring these ancient traditions into the
modern businesses, recognizing that the contemporary business dialogue. We extend
health of an organization is intertwined with our sincere gratitude to all the contributors
the health of its people and environment. for their dedication and commitment to this
The book delves into strategic management project, as well as to the Deccan Education
lessons from the Puranas, Nyaya, and Society and the Institute of Management
Mimamsa, exploring how these texts offer Development and Research for their
valuable guidance in decision-making, unwavering support.
ethical governance, and conflict resolution. NITI: Navigating India Traditions in Industry
The principles of governance, derived is not just a collection of research but a
from the Dharmasastra, provide timeless call to action for the business community
wisdom for modern leadership, emphasizing to integrate the wisdom of India’s ancient
the importance of integrity, justice, and knowledge systems into their operations. We
responsibility in the corporate world. hope that this book will inspire you to reflect
Another unique facet of this book is its on the intersection of tradition and modernity
exploration of the role of music and Shilpa and explore how these age-old insights can
(craftsmanship) in shaping corporate culture. guide us toward a more sustainable and
The integration of sound, rhythm, and responsible future in business.
creativity into business processes highlights Thank you for joining us on this enlightening
how art and culture contribute to building journey. Together, let us navigate the rich
harmonious, productive work environments. traditions of India into the industries of
Furthermore, the book looks into the tomorrow.
strategic frameworks outlined in Dhanurveda,
the ancient Indian science of warfare, Prof Nishita Desai,
and applies these to competitive business Prof Shaunak Mainker,
environments, providing companies with Prof Darshan Bagade