Page 10 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 10

3. Strategic  Wisdom: Lessons from Puranas, Nyaya, and
                   Having set the stage with ethical values and holistic management,
                 this  chapter introduces  Indian traditions of strategic thought.  The
                 Puranas and the philosophical schools of Nyaya (logic) and Mimamsa
                 (interpretation) are explored to offer insights into decision-making,
                 strategic foresight, and problem-solving. These schools of thought
                 emphasize rigorous  analysis, logical reasoning,  and  strategic
                 planning, all of which are critical skills for today’s business leaders
                 (Porter, 1985).  By connecting ancient  wisdom with contemporary
                 strategic needs, this chapter provides business students with a unique
                 lens through which to analyze competitive advantage, market trends,
                 and decision-making processes.

                   4. The Art of Governance: Dharmasastra in Modern Leadership
                   The focus shifts toward  governance  in this chapter, examining
                 the principles  of ethical leadership and governance found in the
                 Dharmasastra. This chapter is positioned after strategic wisdom
                 to demonstrate how these  ethical  principles  extend to corporate
                 governance. Governance  is a key area where businesses  today
                 face challenges regarding transparency, accountability, and  social
                 responsibility (Aguilera et al., 2008). By drawing upon Dharmasastra,
                 which  outlines the qualities  of just rule, the chapter provides
                 valuable insights into how businesses can uphold high standards of
                 governance, promoting trust, ethical leadership, and sustainability.

                   5. Legal Foundations: Nyaya and Its Role in Contemporary
                 Business Law
                   Following the governance framework, this chapter on Nyaya
                 connects the ancient principles of  logic, justice, and fairness with
                 contemporary business  law. Legal systems  today  rely heavily  on
                 fairness, due  process, and  the protection  of  rights—values also
                 embedded in  Nyaya. In this  context, the chapter bridges the gap
                 between traditional justice and modern corporate law, offering
                 guidance on conflict resolution, legal compliance, and maintaining
                 ethical standards  in business  operations. This builds on modern
                 corporate governance and ethics discussions, such as those proposed
                 by Jones et al. (2009), who emphasize the importance of corporate
                 law in ensuring fairness and accountability.
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