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Rupa Publications.
Journal Articles on Workplace Well-being:
• Alankara and Aesthetic Design in Business. (2024). The role of ornamentation in
creating inspiring corporate spaces. Journal of Organizational Aesthetics, 21(3), 134-
• Material Selection in Corporate Branding. (2024). Integrating Shilpa Shastra’s
principles of Dravya into modern brand identity. Journal of Corporate Branding and
Design, 32(4), 76-89.
• Rasa and Emotional Connection in Corporate Art. (2024). Emotional resonance
through art in corporate branding and design. The Journal of Emotional Business
Practices, 27(1), 22-36.
• Sacred Geometry in Workspaces. (2024). Using geometric symbols to inspire
creativity in corporate environments. Journal of Business Innovation and Design,
18(2), 102-113.
• Shilpa Shastra. (n.d.). The art and science of craftsmanship in corporate culture. In
Spiritual architecture and corporate design: The fusion of tradition and modernity.
Retrieved from [insert UL or publisher].
• Vastu Shastra. (n.d.). Creating harmonious workspaces: The principles of spatial
alignment in modern businesses. Journal of Corporate Architecture and Design,
15(2), 105-119.
• Infosys. (2024). Infosys Bangalore campus: A fusion of biophilic design and Shilpa
Shastra. Retrieved from
Chapter 7
• Apple Inc. (2007). Apple’s Strategic Positioning and Innovation. Retrieved from
• Apple Inc. (2007). iPhone: The Strategic Move of a Technological Leader. Case
Study. Harvard Business School Publishing.
• Brown, M., & Grant, L. (2017). The Influence of Biophilic Design on Workplace
Productivity and Well-being: A Case Study of Infosys Bangalore. Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 41, 22-35.
• Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and
operation (6th ed.). Pearson Education.
• Christensen, C. M. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies
Cause Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business Press.
• De Jong, E., & Den Hartog, D. (2007). Empowerment and leadership in organizations:
A perspective from Dhanurveda. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(5), 531-
• Deming, W. E. (1986). Out of the crisis. MIT Press.
• Ghemawat, P. (2001). Strategy and the Business Landscape. Pearson Prentice Hall.