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For Modern Parallels in Scientific Management
            • Taylor, F. W. (1911). The principles of scientific management. Harper & Brothers.
            • For Project Management and Agile Methodology
            • Beck, K., Beedle, M., van Bennekum, A., Cockburn, A., Cunningham, W., & Fowler,
            M. (2001). Manifesto for Agile software development. Agile Alliance.

            For Strategic Management and Corporate Strategy
            • Iyer, R. (2019). Strategic positioning and branding: Creating competitive advantage.
            Journal of Business Strategy, 40(4), 34-42.
            • Kosuta, M. (2020). Dhanurveda and the art of strategic management: Applying
            ancient wisdom to modern business. Business Strategy Review, 35(4), 45-62.
            • Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and
            competitors. Free Press.
            • Taneja, S.,  & Gupta,  M.  (2019).  Samyog:  The strategic value of  alliances  and
            collaborations in modern business environments. Journal of Strategic Management,
            16(2), 211-226.
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