Page 25 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 25

emphasizes empowerment, collaboration, and leadership development to enhance
            productivity and job satisfaction.
             Linkage to Vedic Wisdom: The Atharvaveda speaks about the interconnectedness of
            individuals within a community, emphasizing that individual prosperity is intrinsically
            linked to the prosperity of the community. This idea resonates with modern HRM,
            which views employee well-being as integral to the organization’s overall success.

             Kautilya’s Arthashastra further highlights the importance of understanding human
            behavior and managing  resources effectively  to  ensure a  prosperous  and  stable
            organization. The Vedic principles  of Kootaneeti (strategic management) provide
            valuable insights into managing human talent, akin to modern HR practices that focus
            on developing and nurturing talent for organizational success.

             1.3.5. Change Management and Adaptability
             Modern  Management  Principle: Change Management  is crucial for navigating
            today’s fast-evolving business environment. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model (1996)
            and Lewin’s Change Management Model (1947) emphasize structured processes for
            implementing change. In a world marked by technological, economic, and social
            disruptions, organizations must adapt quickly to survive and thrive.

             Linkage to Vedic Wisdom: The Upanishads emphasize the cyclical nature of life,
            where change is an inevitable part of existence. The Bhagavad Gita teaches Samatva
            (equanimity)—maintaining  a calm, balanced mind in the face of change. This
            resonates with the modern need for resilience and adaptability.
             The Atharvaveda provides teachings on aligning business strategies with the natural
            rhythms of the environment. Just as the Vedic Rishis adapted to changing seasons and
            times, businesses today must view change as an opportunity for growth, innovation,
            and long-term success.

             1.3.6. Innovation and Creativity
             Modern Management Principle: Innovation is viewed as a key driver of competitive
            advantage.  Peter Drucker (1985)  defined innovation as creating new value and
            emphasized it  as  essential for  survival. Modern  organizations  foster a  culture of
            creativity, open-mindedness, and continuous improvement  to stay ahead of the

             Linkage to Vedic Wisdom: The Vedic tradition places great value on knowledge
            and  creativity. The Atharvaveda stresses  intellectual exploration and  the pursuit  of
            higher knowledge. The Vedic Rishis contributed significantly to early forms of science,
            mathematics, and management, highlighting their commitment to  creativity and

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