Page 27 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 27

respect, integrity, and compassion, creating an environment where employees feel
            valued and empowered to contribute to the organization’s success.

             1.3.9. Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship
             Modern Management Principle: Sustainability has become a central tenet of modern
            business strategies. The Triple Bottom Line (Elkington, 1994) encourages organizations
            to  focus not  only on economic success  but  also on social and  environmental
            sustainability. Companies are expected to reduce their ecological footprint, implement
            sustainable practices, and contribute positively to the environment, society, and future
             Linkage to Vedic Wisdom: The Vedic texts have long promoted sustainability and
            environmental stewardship.  The Rigveda speaks of  the interconnection between
            humans and nature, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony with the
            environment. The concept of  Prakriti (nature) is seen  as a  manifestation of  divine
            energy, and it is the duty of humans to protect and nurture it.

             In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advocates for a life that is in balance with the
            natural world, which aligns with modern principles of environmental sustainability.
            Vedic teachings stress the importance of living in accordance with Dharma, which
            includes stewardship of the planet and its resources. Jivana (life) in Vedic philosophy is
            not limited to human existence but extends to all forms of life, advocating for a holistic
            approach to sustainability.
             Kautilya’s Arthashastra also encourages resource conservation and  efficient
            use, recognizing that  long-term prosperity depends on maintaining a  sustainable
            relationship with the environment. These ancient insights are increasingly relevant as
            businesses today strive for sustainable practices and work toward a greener future.

             1.3.10. Long-Term Perspective and Patience

             Modern  Management  Principle: Modern  management often focuses on short-
            term results, such as quarterly financial performance and annual targets. However,
            there is a growing recognition of the importance of taking a long-term perspective
            for  sustainable success. Theories like Long-Term Orientation (LTO) in Hofstede’s
            Cultural Dimensions and Sustainable Business Practices stress the need for patience,
            consistency, and long-term planning.

             Linkage to Vedic Wisdom: The Vedic tradition teaches the importance of patience and
            long-term thinking. The Bhagavad Gita stresses that success is not always immediate
            and that one must persevere with integrity and focus on the bigger picture. Krishna
            advises Arjuna to focus on doing his duty without attachment to the results, embodying
            the concept of Nishkama Karma (selfless action).

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