Page 14 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2020-21
if India aims to raise its share of manufacturing network. More importantly, a ‘Fund of Funds’ has
in GDP to around 25%, the industry will have to been created to help start-ups gain access to funding.
significantly step up its research and development The core of the initiative is to promote start-ups
expenditure. We have become over- dependent on and ensure they excel without any barriers through
imports from China in every sector possible. Moving Start-up India Learning Programme, Facilitated
on, our supply chain and the logistic sector have Patent filing, Easy Compliance Norms, Relaxed
been plagued due to the absence of manpower. Procurement Norms, Incubator support, innovation
This, in turn, is due to the dependency on migrant focused programs for students, funding support, tax
workers who returned to their native village leaving benefits and addressing of regulatory issues.
back nearly 50% of India’s trucking fleet stranded. Make in India: This aims to transform India into
Objectives of the Study a manufacturing hub. This restored confidence in
1. To study the entrepreneurship Opportunities in India’s capabilities among potential partners abroad,
India after the proposal of the Aatma Nirbhar business community within the country and citizens
Bharat Abhiyan. at large. The initiative behind ‘Make in India’ was
2. To study the Challenges for the one of the largest undertaken in recent history. The
Entrepreneurship Opportunities. initiative has ensured the replacement of obsolete
3. To study the government schemes which and obstructive frameworks with transparent and
can resolve the challenges faced by the user-friendly systems.
Challenges Faced by Indian Entrepreneurs Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation
Government Schemes and Plans to Support the Achievements (ARIIA):
BuddingEntrepreneurs Thinking about our latent capacity and need to
Start-up India: Through the Start-up India advance, the Ministry of Education, Government of
initiative, Government of India promotes India has dispatched a remarkable yearly positioning
entrepreneurship by mentoring, nurturing and project Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation
facilitating start-ups throughout their life cycle. Since Achievements (ARIIA), in 2018, to efficiently
its launch in January 2016, the initiative has rank all advanced education foundations in India
With anall-round approach to enable start-ups, this dependent on their development accomplishments
initiative provides a four-week free online learning and nearby beginning up biological systems. ARIIA
program, has set up research parks, incubators, and centres around the nature of development and
start-up centres country-wide by creating a strong attempts to quantify the genuine effect made by the
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