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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2020-21
A Study of Entrepreneurial Opportunities Problems
and Challenges with reference
to Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
Ms. Rucha Deshmukh,
Ms. Kalyani Morankar,
Mr. Amlan Dasgupta
Students – DES IMDR, Pune
Abstract Introduction
Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to “Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of
develop and run a business enterprise. It plays a an individual or a group of associated individuals,
significant role in the economic development of the undertaken to initiate, maintain or organize a
country. It acts as a pillar for the economic prosperity profit-oriented business unit for the production
of a nation as it leads to generation of employment, or distribution of economic goods and services”.
contribution in national income, rural development, Entrepreneurship in the country has many challenges
industrialization, technological development, export but opens new doors for entrepreneurs. Everybody
promotion etc. As per a survey report, just 7.9% of knows that how the economic growth is important
respondents aged between 45-54 are reported to be for any country. In order to motivate entrepreneurs,
in the process of starting their own business. the Indian government initiatives like “Aatma
Various kinds of initiatives have been taken by Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” with the hope to catalyse
Indian Government to boost the entrepreneurship entrepreneurship opportunities. An entrepreneur can
opportunities and the implementation of ‘Aatma have a positive impact on the pace of the economic
Nirbhar Bharat’ is one of them. It is aimed to development of the country. Entrepreneurship is an
turn ‘local’ India into ‘global’ India. The research integral part for economic growth, job creation, and
Paper will withhold all the schemes that fall under problem-solving.
this initiative to encourage entrepreneurship On speaking with an entrepreneur about the
opportunities in India after the proposal of “Aatma new schemes launched to foster the growth of
Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”. A series of initiatives like entrepreneurship, we found that the policies actually
the 20-lakh crore relief package for the enterprises helped as receiving of funds became easier and taxes
that were badly affected by the pandemic, the were waived off till 2022, up to a certain extent,
monetary stimulus of 3.4 lakh crore by RBI and the based on their income. This made life easier for
promotion of “VOCAL FOR LOCAL” movement entrepreneurs and this was the primary aim of the
which directly influenced the market demand policies. Adding on, the support extended by the
and have opened new opportunities for aspiring government towards the entrepreneurs, especially
entrepreneurs. The major purpose of the paper is to start-ups, is something that was lacking in the former
study the upcoming opportunities, challenges, and system.
the solutions for entrepreneurs in India. We also aim The Ease of doing Business recently published its
to speak to a few entrepreneurs to emphasize the 2020 rank of India: “17th Annual Report by The
differences by comparing situations before and after World Bank. India ascended 17 notches, ranked at
the launch of the “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”. 63rd position by The World Bank.”
The study is completely based on the secondary
data, which is collected through different sources
from internet, from various research papers,
newspaper articles, books and magazines.
Key Words : Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat,
Entrepreneurship, Vocal for Local
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