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IMDR’s Journal of  Management  Development and Research 2020-21

          Objectives of the study:                              who innovates, raises money, collects inputs
          The Author has considered the following objectives  organizes  talent,  provides  leadership  and  sets  the
        for the study:                                          organisation.  A few elements of Entrepreneurship
          1. To understand the concept of Aatma-Nirbhar         have been prescribed as Creativity  & Innovation,
             Bharat constituted by the Government of India      Ability to apply Creativity, Drive and Passion, Focus
          2. To study the phenomenon of Entrepreneurship         on  creating  Value,  Risk  Takers  and Investment  &
             as catalyst to Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat.               Courage.

          Research Methodology:
          An  Article  on  Entrepreneurship  as  the  Catalyst
        to Aatma-Nirbhar  Bharatis a conceptual article
        conducted massively by the help of Secondary data.
        The article aims to understand the concept of Aatma-
        Nirbhar  Bharat constituted  by  the  Government
        of India. The article further aims to study the
        phenomenon  of Entrepreneurship  as catalyst  to
        Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat. The study encompasses the
        review  &  understanding  of Entrepreneurship  and
        Aatma Nirbhar Bharat. The inferences  gathered
        through the study reflect the learning on the Aatma
        Nirbhar Bharat campaign and it does connect with
        the Entrepreneurship domain.

          Entrepreneurship:  Concept & Perspective

          “When I told  myself that I  was  a leader, the
        world changed for me.”
          -Phanindra Sama,

          Leadership is reflected through Entrepreneurship.
        The Society benefits  with  the entrepreneurial
        ventures.  Entrepreneurship  is  referred  as  the
        creation  of  value  by  people  working  together  to    Entrepreneurs have been considered instrumental
        implement an Idea through the application of drive  in  initiating  and  sustaining  socio  -  economic
        and a willingness  to  take  risk.  (Taneja&  Gupta,  development. India with a Population of close to 1.3
        2003) Entrepreneur is the agent who buys means of  billion comprises of approx. 20% of its population
        production at certain prices, in order to sell at prices  as Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs  are stated to be
        that are certain at the moment at which he commits  the Change Agent in the Society. Entrepreneurship
        himself to his cost. Entrepreneurship may be defined  in this  context becomes the essential  aspect of
        as  the  utilization  of  one  productive  factor  of  the  societal growth. Development of such vital aspect
        other productive factors for the creation of economic  is utmost important. One of the ways to develop the
        goods.As  per Peter  Drucker,  an Entrepreneur  is  entrepreneurial instinct in the Nation would be to gather
        one who always searches for change, responds to it  understanding on the avenues of Entrepreneurship.
        and exploits it as an opportunity. Innovation is an  Self Employment& Entrepreneurial ventures leads
        instrument of Entrepreneurship. (Taneja& Gupta,  to enormous individual growth.  To ascertain this
        2003)  Adam Smith,  father of Political Economy,  growth self empowerment is very essential. This self
        suggests Entrepreneur has a role of an industrialist.  empowerment may get accomplished by being Self
        They have unusual foresight to recognize potential  Reliant i.e., Aatma Nirbhar.
        demand of goods and services.  Joseph Schumpeter,
        an economist,  described  Entrepreneur  as person

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