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were shown by the PMC Bank                          The biggest worry is that this crisis at PMC Bank

            After -Effects Now, main stakeholders of bank fear   can have a cascading effect. Nearly 130 smaller
            that  they  might  lose  their  lifetime  earnings   banks have deposits at PMC Bank, and if the lender
            deposited in savings accounts or in the form of fixed   is unable to return the money, all these small banks
            deposits.                                           will have to mark their deposits as NPAs.
            After PMC bank incident, one thing is clear that it’s   The way ahead remains uncertain for PMC bank
            not safe to keep all your eggs in the same basket.   depositors. The only hope is, if the bank is merged
            The deposit insurance is also only Rs 1 lakh as of   with a strong commercial bank. It can ensure that
            now.                                                the depositors can get their money back.



                                              People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred
                                              Love them ANYWAY.
                                              If you do good, they will accuse you of selfish
                                              undisclosed motives
                                              Do good ANYWAY.
                         Deepti Deshpande
                                              If you are successful,you will win false friends and true

                                              Succeed ANYWAY.
                                              Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable

                                              Be honest and frank ANYWAY.
                                              The good you do today will beforgotten tomorrow
                                              Do good ANYWAY.
                                              The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot
                                              down by the smallest people with smallest minds

                                              Think big ANYWAY.
                                              People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs
                                              Fight for some underdogs ANYWAY.

                                              What you spent years building may be destroyed
                                              Build ANYWAY.
                                              Give the world the best you have and you will get kicked
                                              Give the world the best you got ANYWAY.

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