Page 32 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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• Tax and accounting executives, 31 May, 2019) note
regulations. that the pay gaps between male and
• Industry and competition. female CEOs have decreased to a
negligible degree over a five-year
Helen Spiropoulos, Martin period (2013–2018). According
Bugeja, Zoltan P. Matolcsy, to the findings, breaking the glass
(Is there a gender gap in CEO ceiling contributes to a decrease
compensation? ScienceDirect, 21 in the GPG and, consequently,
June 2012) researched on the total gender inequality. However, the
compensation, base pay, bonuses, as study also offers novel insights into
well as various matching strategies many GPG elements, including the
and econometric specifications. interaction of female risk aversion
Their findings suggest that CEO pay with income and pension benefits.
for women who break through the When deciding how to achieve their
“glass ceiling” is comparable to that stated goals of eliminating gender
for their male colleagues. They also inequality, political leaders must
state that the media, government, adopt a broad perspective on pay.
advocacy groups, and academics
are all interested in the issue of According to a survey published by
the gender pay gap of executives, Monster Salary Index and Women
CEOs, and other employees. A of India Inc (Economic Times, 12
substantially bigger sample than March, 2018) covers the gender pay
that used in previous studies is used gap parity and the how it affects
in this study to determine whether women. In India, the gender wage
there is a gender pay difference gap widens as one gains in-house
for US CEOs. In addition, for experience. Men made 7.8% more
companies with female CEOs, we money on average than women
apply propensity score matching with 0 to 2 years of experience,
to create a better matched control but this difference rose to 25%
business. According to our findings, for those with 11 or more years
there is no difference between the of experience. Promila Agarwal
total remuneration, salary, or bonus (‘The Glass Ceiling- Leadership
received by female CEOs. Javier Gender Balance in NSE 200
Garcia-Lacalle, Sheila Ellwood & Companies’, Business Today Desk,
Sonia Royo, (The shattered glass 11 February, 2022) in her research
ceiling and a narrowing gender states that the senior or top-level
pay gap in NHS foundation management has a high number of
trusts: gender and salaries of chief male executives compared to female
executives in many organizations