Page 35 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 35
Research Methodology INR 100 that men senior executives
With the purpose of achieving make.
an understanding of executive • As women advance in their
compensation plans along with jobs, the pay gap between the
how gender pay gap affects them, a sexes deepens along with the
descriptive research methodology compensation benefits.
has been used. As a result of the • The salary inequality between
research only secondary data men and women widens with every
have been observed and analyzed. level of responsibility.
Qualitative and quantitative data has
been collected from primary sources • The pay disparity between men
such as books, journals, websites, and women in jobs with identical
case study etc. an understanding responsibilities is only 2.2% at the
and findings of sources has been individual contributor level, but it
identified and elaborated in this case. expands for managers/supervisors,
In order to conduct its methodical directors, and executives.
inquiry, secondary research relies on • Additionally, there may be
the findings of aggregate primary disparities in how men and women
research data. Therefore, the negotiate pay based on their
quality of data produced by primary respective gender attributes.
research in respect to the research
setting will have a stronger impact • Environmental, social, and
on the outcome of your study. governance (ESG) measures that are
not financial are frequently used.
Analysis and findings Examples include commitments
• Compared to the percentage to diversity, equity, and inclusion,
of the number of women on the waste reduction, and climate
board of directors, they hold change.
disproportionately fewer senior • Pay incentives provide a
executive and top management greater emphasis on long-term
roles. outcomes. Over 60% of total direct
• The average salary awarded to remuneration is frequently made
WSE is INR 1.91 crore, and the up of long-term incentives like stock
average compensation provided to options.
MSE is INR 2.24 crore. • Companies have reduced CEO
• On average, women senior perks, particularly those that could
executives make INR 85 for every anger shareholders, like lavish