Page 98 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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benefit  like  bonuses,  and  rewards  provides the procedures and outlines
       that are usually provided to  for conducting the investigation.
       improve  employee  performance.     Study population
       Therefore, developing a practical
       incentive for implementation and    The actual population of this study
       performance improvement is a       is the entire staff namely: principals,
       difficult  task  because  individuals   coordinators, and teachers of
       are  unique  and  maintain  different   reputable private secondary schools
       value and structure. According     in Pune.
       to Maslow proposed a theory of      Sources of data
       motivation in which he said that
       money is a motivator; however later   Primary  and  secondary  sources
       Hertzberg in his two-factor theory   were used. The use of questionnaires
       of motivation differs with that and   was delivered to collect relevant
       instead classifies money as a hygiene   data  from  the  respondents.  These
       factor. Financial incentives and   methods were used in order to
       rewards can be completely right    minimize the problems associated
       motivators, but only when balanced   with data collection and to ensure
       against the potential advantage and   that  the  results of  the  study  are
       packaged with the progress of verbal   visible, and bias-free as expected. The
       recognition, encouragement, and    questions were designed to sample
       support. However, it`s important   the observation of the respondents
       to  consider  non-financial  rewards,   on compensation management in
       financial  rewards,  or  both  to  fit   private secondary schools.
       with the nature of the school       Findings and Discussions
       relationship and also the employee   The demographic information was
       characteristics to make feeling part   important  because  it  showed  the
       of a community, a sense of personal   distribution of questionnaires across
       achievement, social recognition,   the schools as far as their personal
       and social responsibility.         information was concerned. The
        Research design                   results are as presented in Tables.
        This study makes use of survey     Research Question 1: What
       research design that allows for the  challenges  do    compensation
       use of questionnaires to elicit data.  management practices at private
       A research design can be referred to  secondary schools?
       a plan or blueprint which specifies   Table  1:    Challenges     of
       how data related to given problems   Compensation Management
       should be collected and analyzed. It

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