Page 100 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 100
The data revealed that employees were low productivity and staff
receive adequate notice and performance in teaching learning
information on any changes that process activities and high staff
will affect their compensation turnover. Finally, the study can
packages some respondents who be concluded, there were some
agreed and strongly agreed with challenges of compensation
the average score of 3.37 and a management that the schools are
standard deviation of 0.775. With facing: Compensation structures,
regards to the communication of policies, and procedures such
issues concerning compensation as communication of issues
is generally good in the schools, concerning compensation, and its
a majority of respondents who flow and process as the need to be
agreed and strongly agreed with the more strength in order to attract
average score of 3.55 and a standard and retain employees.
deviation of 1.034. The study also Research Question 2: What
found that there were challenges current and desirable states of
of compensation management compensation management
in term of structure, policy, fairly practices at secondary schools?
and competitive, which were
found not much attention and Table 2: Current desirable states of
implementation, as a result, there Compensation Management
Current Compensation N Min Max Mean Std.
Management Dev
The compensation 67 1 5 3.34 0.862
packages are managed well.
The salary and benefits
are paid well comparing to 67 1 5 3.29 0.953
similar schools.
The salary and benefits are 67 1 5 3.16 1.009
fit for my job in the school.
I received other benefits
apart from the salary that 67 1 5 3.25 1.893
is paid.