Page 102 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 102

implementation to ensure the        Conclusion
       improvement of performance and      The paper concludes that private
       competitive advantage, reducing    secondary   schools   remain    a
       employee   turnover   that   will  veritable  means  of  compensation
       benefit both parties, employee and   management in Pune. The private
       employer.                          secondary school is one of the vital
        2. The school should promote  sectors necessitating the growth
       compensation strategies which are  and development of education,
       unique to ensure that the school  therefore,  it is vital  for  schools to
       enables to have a competitive edge  embark  on  effective  compensation
       over their competitors.            management      structures   and

        3. The school should have reward   policies that will promote employee
       strategies to align with the employee   performance. The study can be
       performance in order to provide    concluded that there were efficient
       the necessary incentives to motivate   and  effective  of  compensation
       employees to deliver the goals of the   management practices in term of
       school.                            compensation packaged such as
                                          pay, reward, and incentive are a
        4. The school should develop      balance,  competitive  to  motivate
       precisely          compensation    the employee to perform their
       management  policy  with  effective   job  more  effectively  in  the  school.
       implementation   in   order   to   However, the study  found that
       provide   related  compensation    there were some challenges of
       communication and its flow among   compensation management that the
       principals and employees.          schools are facing: Compensation

        5. The school should use both     structures, policies, and procedures
       financial and non-financial rewards   such as  communication of  issues
       in addition to providing other     concerning compensation, and its
       incentives that  will help motivate   flow and process as the need to be
       employees.                         more strength in order to attract
                                          and retain employees. Finally,
                                          the study also recommended to
                                          further comprehensive study, the
                                          researchers  should    investigate
                                          the compensation management
                                          strategies on improving employee

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