Page 106 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 106
• Benefits are tax-advantaged: what employees want, what the
Unlike wages, which is subject to company offers, what the company
both federal and state taxes, most wants to offer, and ultimately what
benefits are either tax-exempt or tax- the company can afford to offer.
deferred. Due to this, companies Objective of the study
can deduct expenses from current-
year taxes paid without directly This study aims to determine how
or immediately raising employees’ employees understand monetary
taxable income. and nonmonetary rewards during
the duration of their employment.
• Employees want benefits: The purpose of this study is to
Employees expect to receive benefit discover the workplace incentives
coverage as part of their overall that employees find most appealing
remuneration; thus, they desire and to analyze the numerous
perks. They understand that having motivational strategies that
their companies offer benefits management can utilize to boost
is beneficial for them due to tax and raise employee productivity.
benefits and economies of scale. This study will focus on evaluating
• Benefits support employer the many incentives and motivating
strategies: Companies have strategies that management might
discovered that some benefits are use to address real-world human
frequently more effective than resource issues at their place of
compensation at assisting in the employment.
achievement of goals related to Research Methodology
employee recruitment, retention,
and motivation, cost control, A literature review is part of the
and social responsibility. Profit- research technique. The literature
sharing schemes, work-and-family study focuses on the design of
initiatives, and flexible benefit plans compensation packages, perks, and
are a few examples of this. The their effect on engagement and job
truth is that every organization is satisfaction.
unique since each of its employees Sources of Data Collection
has a unique set of cultural norms,
needs, and goals (Lai, H-H. 2011) Secondary data was obtained from
Effective benefits will match the sources listed below.
employee requirements with the • Books, Research papers, and
organization’s objectives, and this Dissertations
is based on thorough research into