Page 107 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 107

• Available Research studies,  or meet all of their requirements
       journals, reports, articles        (Lai,  H-H.  2011).Some  benefits

        •     Data from an online source  of a successful compensation
                                          system, according to Milkovich and
        Literature review                 Newman, include:

        I.  Development  of  Fringe        •     People  join  a  firm  due  of
       Benefits                           pay structures
        a brief discussion of a few of the   •   People    join   company
       variables  that  have  influenced  the   because of pay structures
       growth  of  fringe  benefits  recently.
       They are as follows:                •     People stay in a company
                                          because they will be paid.
        a)    The    rise  of    human
       management                          •     People work harder because
                                          they are paid more
        b)    The demand for economic
       security                            The most popular theories on the
                                          motivational principal center on
        c)    The growth of unions in     the notion that an employee’s needs
       membership and economic power,     affect his motivation. Physiological
        d)    The implementation of pay   or psychological deficits that cause
       restrictions during World War II   a specific conduct in the employee
                                          could be regarded as their needs.
        II. Job and Benefits Satisfaction  Employee demands may change over

        In the modern workplace, a manager  time  and  space  and  are  influenced
       must be completely conversant with  by environmental and extrinsic
       both the many cultural practices  variables. This suggests that when
       and the HR policies. To determine  wants are partially met, people will
       the greatest practical options  respond  in  order  to  meet  those
       for  an  ideal  incentive  strategy.  It  needs (John W. Newstrom. 2007)
       would ultimately result in higher   III.   Herzberg’s   Two-Factor
       individual  and    organizational  Theory
       performance if all these elements
       were successfully applied in the    According to the two-factor
       organization. The manager is able   theory, (also known for dual-factor
       to create a motivating environment   or motivation-hygiene theory),
       where his employees are motivated   some organisational characteristics
       to do well and find job happiness,   contribute to job satisfaction while
       but he cannot force them to perform   others  have  the  opposite  effect.

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