Page 81 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 81

"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal"                                             E - Book Year 2020

           The structure of this research is adopted from the research onion. The Onion approach,
           gives a particular direction to the research and for each stage postulates the selected
           choice. The idea is to have not only a logical but also a scientic approach that can be
           adopted to achieve the research objectives.

                                             Figure 1: Research Onion
                                           (Source: Saunders et al. 2016)
           2.2  Research Philosophy

           Every research study requires moving forward with a core belief and a value system.
           For understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the marketing spends,
           and marketing and advertising strategies, the correct selection of research philosophy
           is likely to assist (Zhong et al. 2018). Research philosophies can be classied into three
           categories: Positivism philosophy, Interpretivist philosophy and Realism philosophy.

           A positive research philosophy takes into account the factual knowledge including
           measurements. In, this philosophy data is collected and interpreted in an objective
           manner and ndings are generally quantiable. In a positive research philosophy, a
           clear and direct correlation between the independent and the dependent variables is

           In  an  Interpretivist  research,  the  elements  of  the  study  are  interpreted,  thus
           interpretivism  mixes  human  interest  into  a  study.  Interpretivist  research  study  is
           developed  basis  the  critique  of  positivism  in  social  science.  Thus,  this  thinking
           emphasizes on qualitative analysis rather than quantitative analysis. It is with the help
           of  interpretive  philosophy  that  the  participants  of  the  research  project  their
           Realism research philosophy relies on the knowledge of independence of reality from
           human  mind.  It  is  through  realism  philosophy  that  a  situational  consideration
           undertakes a dominant role for designing the ideology of the researcher.
           As  the  present  research  deals  with  a  contemporary  and  relevant  market  issue  to
           understand  the  impact  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic  on  marketing  spends,  and
           marketing and advertising strategies, adapting an interpretivist philosophy shall prove
           to be the most effective.
           Positivism leads to concentration on facts and has no provision for human interests.
           With the positivism studies there will be no requirements for human interests within
           the study. The other two types of philosophies if used shall end up limiting the research
           frame and may fail to give substantial outcomes to base the results, hence a positivism
           research philosophy is ideal for this research.

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