Page 82 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 82
"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal" E - Book Year 2020
2.3 Research Design
A research design is a layout which portrays the integrated collection of requisites
chosen as research tools and equipment’s in a systematic manner (Sloot,2018). It is a
framework of the chosen methods and techniques to combine various components of
the research in a logical manner to efciently solve the research problem. It is with the
help of a research design that the researcher shall get accurate responses from
business owners.
The research design allows the outcomes to be adequately aligned with research aims
and objectives, while making sure that right methods are selected. Research designs
are usually categorized in three different types - Exploratory Design, Explanatory
Design and Descriptive Design.
As the name suggests denes, an exploratory research design allows a researcher to
explore the dependent and independent variables and their relationship. It is most
appropriately applied when the intention is to conduct a secondary analysis. An
explanatory research design is accurately applied when primary analysis is necessary
to be conducted, especially when quantitative research analysis is a mandate (Bansal
et al. 2017). The impact of independent variables upon the dependent variables gets
truly determined in this design type. It is also possible to undertake both primary as
well as secondary research methods in terms of the descriptive research design. Hence
this is the most widely used research design.
The present research aims at conducting a primary research analysis through a
quantitative approach. In order to objectively answer the research question, an
explanatory research design is best suited for this research. An exploratory research
which connes the accuracy of responses is more desirable than the unnecessary
detailing and descriptive research allowed by usage of any other research designs.
Responses from the representative group can be best received and a quantitative form
thereof can be calculated for analysis and interpretation.
2.4 Research Approach
A research approach enables the researcher to dene a denite direction from the
initial to nal point of the study. It is a plan and a procedure consisting of the steps
including broad assumptions, the method used of collection of data, and the analysis
and interpretation thereof. It depends upon the research approach if the analysis
should be based upon the theoretical framework stated in the beginning of the research
study or the reverse course shall be abided (Escobar-Rodríguez and Bonsón-
Fernández, 2017). Research approaches are categorised into three types: Deductive
Research Approach, Inductive Research Approach and the Abductive research
The Deductive approach is used to test the validity of the given theories/
assumptions/hypotheses, while an inductive approach leads to the emergence of new
theories and generalizations. The Abductive research, which starts with ‘surprising
facts’ is devoted to their explanation. A deductive approach basis its inference on the
assumption that “the conclusion is true when the premises are true”. Propositions and
hypothesis that relate to existing theories are evaluated using data collection. There are
different research types which favour deductive research approach as it caters to the
conventional and absolute form of research understanding. In case of deductive
research approach, the theories and models are tried to be discussed at the beginning
of the project. As the research progresses these theories and models become the basis
of the analysis and justication for the topic chosen. A top down approach using
deductive approach is implemented. This by far is conceptualized and accepted as the
most widely applied approach for all kinds of researches, especially for primary
research analysis. In case of inductive research approach, the theories and models are
framed at the end or nal stage of the research project. Such an approach category is
commonly recognized as bottom up research approach (Schubert and Merian-Str,
2015). This kind research approach is applied on limited research topics however,