Page 17 - E- Connect 2021
P. 17
Why is it important for a person
to spend time with himself
and why is it difficult for him to do so?
Siddharth Anathath
This ar ticle is a product of philosophical
This article is a product of philosophical not who they think they are. The fact that spending
I wrote this ar
rumination. I wrote this article on the 1st of ticle on the 1st of time with themself will tear off their fake outward
ARTICLES J an uar y 2021. Unbelie v ab le , r ight? The Delaying the confrontation with ourself will only
January 2021. Unbelievable, right? The correct correct appearance.
iety & enn
combination of sobriety & ennui is a sine qua non ui is a sine qua non
combination of sobr
of writing on such topics. Most of my mates were make it difficult to understand, know and more
wallowing in somnolence & inebriation and I had importantly embrace who we really are.
nary a thing to do and I thought to myself “Why not
I am at times complimented for my eloquence
write on something I had had difficulty in doing i.e., and quality of being persuasive, but if the above
spending time in solitude doing nothing”. paragraphs are not compelling enough then I
Before I delve into the topic let me make it clear would like to list down some other benefits of
what I mean by “spending time with oneself” doing sitting idle and doing nothing for some time:
means. This phrase is highly subjective. For some 1.Strengthens one mentally
it is honing their skills, doing something cathartic 2. Makes one empathetic, helps one develop an
and meditative such as drawing, painting, doodling acute understanding of others’ feelings & emotions.
or writing, reading books, cooking and trying to 3.Doing this exercise will help one to be free from
make some exotic dish or surfing phone & social rigidity and inflexibility. Studies have shown that
media, giving in to their curiosity to see what is those who spend time with themselves are easily
happening in their friends’ lives and drawing able to acclimatize to new circumstances and the
irrelevant comparisons between their life and their cope with life’s complexities. Unlike those who
friends’. But what I mean in this writeup is “doing don’t, they needn’t take monumental efforts to
nothing and pondering who we are and why are adjust to new situations.
we the way we are”. 4.It is eminently invigorating & energizing.
While spending time with himself, a person 5.It heightens one’s productivity.
can learn a great many things about himself that 6. This one is of great importance. It makes an
he was hitherto unaware of. Spending time with individual self-reliant. It makes them clearer on
himself makes a person cogitate and meditate their thoughts and feelings and help come up with
on who he is. It makes him confront who he is. It ways to solve their life’s problems.
makes him acknowledge who he truly is. Spending To conclude, my college life (graduation) was
time with himself salvages the person from the marked by monotonous & quotidian. It was not
ocean of nescience about himself. as happening as my friends’. To add salt to injury,
In this technology-driven era, where copious I have regimental & controlling parents. Those
amounts of data are on our fingertips, people have three years I had nothing much to do. I had a good
become loath & reluctant to see who they really amount of free time. I became temperamental &
are. It would not be overselling it to say that doing irritable. The smallest of things used to set me off.
“nothing” has become a herculean task. It is so I was compelled to spend time with myself. It was
sad that folks do not so much as have a modicum a daunting, yet, beautiful journey.
of strength to endure boredom & tedium. From I became dependent on myself for my happiness.
where is this indisposition to spend time doing I developed some interesting hobbies & habits. All
nothing but meditating about themself stemming? those years being forlorn and lonely helped me
nothing but meditating about themself stemming?
I believe that it is stemming from the fact that endure the “seemingly” never-ending & unremitting
I believe that it is stemming from the fact that
people are afraid of facing the truth that they are
people are afraid of facing the truth that they are boredom of lockdown.