Page 21 - Connect 2022-23
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There are 3 major perspectives which was existential danger from the pandemic than
observed during Pandemic: those in China, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
1. In the time of crises (Pandemic) Another macro view is the dedication to
digitization & automation accelerated the social responsibility, Bangladesh and India
efficiency & profit trends. topping worldwide comparison for providing
2. Change in psychological and behavioural pro bono commercial services during the
pattern as in case of hygiene factor and pandemic.
shifting to healthy & sustainable choices. Hence, Entrepreneurs in India have beatan
3. Societal Debate and conflicts due to all odds through their Business Resilience
clash of opinions related to vaccine and ability. They have quickly pivoted with the ‘New
income disparity. Normal Policy’ and leveraged their business.
They quite understood an assignment of
The Lockdown gave birth to Work from shift in the paradigm. Customers had a
Home / remote work approach which led to demand but the approach to reach them
increase in online traffic and development had to be different. Tech truly became a
of software. Schools & Colleges shifted to part of infrastructure. Apart from turning
online education. E-commerce market digital, technology has been prevalent in
boosted. This outbreak has highlighted all industries, including manufacturing,
the importance of well-being. The new era agriculture, education, healthcare, and
bought ’B2E- Business to Everyone concept’ retail. And as technology advanced, deep
which is about building every activity they tech such as IoT, A.I., data analytics, and so
do around the people. It is about providing on rose to prominence.
more human centric approach, purpose- The year 2020 was also known as the
driven management, trust from the society. Year of the Unicorn. Throughout the year,
Digitization, cross-sector collaboration, 11 new unicorns emerged, including Nykaa,
localization, and the importance of inclusive Unacademy, Zerodha, Razorpay, Postman,
business are four long-term tendencies for and others.
the post-COVID economy. To summarise, the The startup environment was tremendously
MSME sector potentially have an essential active- investments increased, particularly
role in allowing a durable and inclusive for seed and angel startups, and investors
post-COVID recovery and supporting witnessed exits and profits.
India’s aspiration to become a USD 5 One year after the lockdown, we are
trillion economy by 2025, mainly if targeted witnessing a wide range of inventions
assistance measures are implemented. across several industries, high-quality talent
turning entrepreneurial, and angel / early-
The Business Trends which have shaped stage investors signing checks.
the New Era of Entrepreneurship: Obviously, the Indian entrepreneurial
A. Subscription Based Business Models ecosystem is at a tipping point: it is ready
B. Mobile Optimization to develop substantially and surpass the
C. Crypto Acceptance United States as the third largest startup
D. Shift towards Green Business environment! More importantly, startups
E. Rise of Analytics & Artificial Intelligence are becoming the largest employment
F. Digital Marketing & Re-marketing and value generators in India, assisting the
country in becoming “Atmanirbhar.”
Entrepreneurs in India saw less of an
Priya Agrawal
17 2022-23