Page 15 - LINKPIN 2022-23
P. 15

• Effect of the pandemic on entrepreneurs :         the  norm’s  regulations  and guidelines,  either
            I think for me and my business and my firm,       because  they  liked  them  or because  they
          it really helped us. Sometimes you really need      didn’t. Millennials and your generation, Gen Z,
          a kick to think right. The model we were using      understand  what to prioritize. For  them, their
          earlier, we realised that there could be a better   own thinking and  individual existence  are as
          version  of  it.  Fortunately,  though  initially  we   important as the need to make a living. There
          struggled  financially  and  in  many  other  ways,   are  many  shifts  in  terms  of tolerance  among
          it gave us a different perspective on how work      people. They don’t do jobs just to make a living
          needs to be done and how it can be done in a        or  earn  money.  They  want  to  find  meaning
          much more efficient way than we were doing          in their entire effort and I think that has been
          previously. To be honest, pandemic hit us at the    learned by the supervisors and the organisation
          right time and in the right place to help us work   as  well  as  the  HR  department.  Gradually, the
          in an entire business model approach, allowing      work culture, in terms of the number of working
          us to transform  and improve our  business          hours and the language used, is improving, and
          model.  We learned far too much in pandemic,        shifting toward a better work culture.
          and our current way of doing things is a result       The work environment is going to be fun and
          of pandemic.                                        not as brutal or as suppressive as it used to be.

            We  can  see  how things  have  changed  in       The dash that used to say “the boss is always
          colleges  even  now,  post-pandemic.  Initially,  it   right” is gradually changing as now they focus
          was all pen and paper, and now it’s more of a       more on talent and are ready to get work done
          technology and pen and paper approach.              effectively and efficiently. They listen and give
                                                              subordinates  the  chance  of getting  better  in
            If  I  talk  about  a  tutor or a  faculty member,   their  work  lives.  They now understand  that  it
          there is no human value component when you          is  okay to have  a difference  of opinion. They
          teach online. It is like a teacher and a student    understand that it is okay to put them across
          share a bond that lasts forever. You forget many    the  table  and  express  them  more  freely  and
          things in life, but not your professors. But I think   take them with a pinch of salt.
          that the beautiful journey, interactions, and peer
          learning that occur in offline studies never occur
          in online education. At the end of the day, it could  • Bounds vs. No Bounds in Corporate World :
          be anything.  it could be business or teaching.       It  is  a  quick game  of demand  and  supply
          it happens between two people, human beings.        on both sides, the demand for the job and the
          human competence is something that cannot           supply  of expertise.  Previously, there  were
          be  adequately  represented  online.  Otherwise,    limited jobs and a limited number of seekers,
          work per se or efficiency per se—all of those in    and it was taught that you needed to follow, the
          terms of performance  parameters—are good,          toxic part being that you must follow the boss.
          but  I  do not  believe  the  numbers will  justify   The syndrome was like the stigma that bosses
          human bonds or relationships. The relationship      faced.   The same  stigma  must be  faced by
          part is missing, but the rest of everything is in   subordinates as well. But now that better people,
          place.                                              more learned people and better understanding

                                                              people have joined as bosses, they appreciate
          • Corporate  world, before  and after  the          the  results  AND the  person instead  of just
          pandemic :                                          having that kind of bossy attitude. Hence, we
                                                              can say the game is one of demand and supply
            Millennials  and Generation Z, I believe, are     pre-pandemic  and  post-pandemic.  Wherever
          more  vocal about  what  they  like  and  dislike.   there is a difference in demand and supply, the
          In  my opinion,  our seniors in  corporate  were    toxic culture starts.
          more resilient in terms of having an acceptable
          nature.    they were  more  acceptable  towards
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