Page 13 - LINKPIN 2022-23
P. 13
as soon as possible. Also, ACPL was dormant Some of the key takeaways from the interview
for a long period due to the departure of the were:
company’s partner, but Mr. Agharkar was • A vital factor for any entrepreneur is not
determined to restart the company. passion, but the ability to take risks, according
Mr. Agharkar intends to have two gateways to some key insights from the conversation.
or portals while keeping his vision focused on • Be brave enough to face all odds in a start-up.
ACPL for the time being:
1. A portal for non-profit organizations such • Demonstrate an ethical work ethic that will
attract clients’ attention.
as societies, trusts, and section 8 companies
to provide a broad variety of services ranging • Be able to say “NO” if it is detrimental to the
from incorporation and registration to fully company’s morale.
outsourced project and functional management. • Maintain discipline and timeliness
2. A family business portal with a special • Pay attention to subordinates.
emphasis on succession planning. • Be certain of the items and services you
Mr. Agharkar is a true inspiration to all aspiring provide to clients.
entrepreneurs and a living knowledge bank of
not only the management field but also life. He • Surround yourself with the right people, trust
would want to see more young people enter them, and delegate authority.
Forensic Accounting and start businesses in And lastly when asked about how does one
this field, as it is a new and growing industry. deal with the stresses of being an entrepreneur
With its unique skill set and performance, to which according to Mr. Agharkar the only to
ACPL continues to stand the test of time and deal with the stresses is to face them and go
effectively emerge among its competitors. It through the grind. The pressure can either make
strives to give better services to clients through you or break you as the only difference between
automation and systems. This would prepare a piece of coal and a priceless diamond is the
the organization for the future while also having amount of pressure it endured. Hence patience
a significant influence in the present. and consistency are the fundamental mix for
Article by:
Saloni Bhatkar
Linkipn 2022-23 | 10