Page 123 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 123

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               Empowering Communities, Weaving Prosperity: Unlocking the Socio-economic

                             Potential of Kolhapuri Chappals in Viksit Bharat 2047

                                             Rajeev Singh* and Satish Kamble**

         *Student, PGDM, Institute of Management Development and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India (E-mail:

         **Student, PGDM, Institute of Management Development and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India (E-mail:


         As India strives towards achieving the ambitious vision of Viksit Bharat 2047, this research delves into the
         untapped  potential  of  a  unique  cultural  treasure:  Kolhapuri  chappals.  Utilizing  secondary  data  from

         government reports, academic journals, and industry sources, this study explores how this traditional footwear
         can  act  as  a  catalyst  for  socio-economic  development,  community  empowerment,  cultural  heritage

         preservation, sustainable tourism, and rural revitalization. The findings unveil a promising future woven with
         Kolhapuri chappals. Firstly, the craft serves as a powerful tool for empowering communities by preserving

         and promoting cultural heritage. By keeping traditions alive, Kolhapuri chappals strengthen local identity,

         foster a sense of community pride, and connect generations to their cultural roots. Additionally, the industry
         provides  vital  livelihoods  and  skill  development  opportunities,  particularly  in  rural  areas,  contributing  to

         women's  economic  independence  and  poverty  alleviation.  Secondly,  the  research  reveals  how  Kolhapuri
         chappals can weave prosperity into the fabric of Viksit Bharat 2047. By adopting sustainable practices in

         production  and  sourcing,  the  industry  can  contribute  to  environmentally  responsible  economic  growth.
         Furthermore, the creation of jobs and income generation in rural areas through Kolhapuri chappal production

         fosters rural development and combats poverty. Integration of Kolhapuri chappals into sustainable tourism

         creates unique cultural experiences, attracts visitors, and boosts tourism revenue, ultimately benefiting both
         artisans and communities. While challenges must be addressed, the potential of Kolhapuri chappals shines

         brightly.  This  research  paves  the  way  for  policymakers,  businesses,  and  communities  to  collaborate  and

         leverage this unique craft to achieve inclusive and sustainable development, fostering a brighter future for
         India where cultural heritage thrives alongside social and economic prosperity.

         Keywords: Kolhapuri chappals, Viksit Bharat 2047, socio-economic development, sustainable tourism, rural
         revitalization,  skill development.
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