Page 384 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 384

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
              nurturing organizational culture. With its sights set on global recognition, Infosys has implemented

              quality  systems  and  processes  that  have  set  industry  standards  in  IT  services.  The  company's

              commitment to employee development is exemplified through world-class training programs and
              the provision of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) to maintain high levels of motivation.

              Acknowledged as a leading employer in India, Infosys employs economic value added (EVA) as a

              performance  metric,  showcasing  its  dedication  to  excellence.  Under  the  guidance  of  top

              management, Infosys is poised for substantial growth in the IT consulting and services sector. Its
              competitive advantage stems from a blend of core values, process-oriented operations, and a focus

              on retaining customers.

              Key operational processes defining Infosys include its global delivery model, adaptable business
              approach, and commitment to  quality systems.  These processes  are complemented by intangible

              elements  like  an  inclusive  organizational  culture,  internal  commitment,  and  an  entrepreneurial

              mindset.  These  cultural  attributes,  coupled  with  a  commitment  to  exceeding  expectations,  have
              played  a  pivotal  role  in  ensuring  customer  satisfaction  and  nurturing  enduring  customer

              relationships.   (N. Mastakar & , B. Bowonder, 2005)
              Here  are  some  key  factors  contributing  to  Infosys'  success  in  adopting  agile  workforce


              Cultural  Shift:  Infosys  prioritized  fostering  a  culture  of  agility,  collaboration,  and  innovation

              across its organization. It encouraged employees to embrace change, experiment with new ideas,
              and adapt to evolving requirements.

              Training and Development: Infosys made significant investments in training and enhancing the

              skills  of  its  workforce  to  prepare  them  for  success  in  an  agile  setting.  The  company  provided

              extensive  training  initiatives  covering  various  aspects  of  agile  methodologies,  tools,  and  best
              practices to ensure employees were well-versed in agile methodologies.

              Cross-Functional Teams: Infosys established cross-functional teams composed of individuals with

              diverse skill sets and knowledge backgrounds to encourage collaboration, the exchange of ideas,
              and  collaborative  problem-solving.  These  teams  were  given  the  authority  to  make  independent

              decisions and take ownership of project results.

              Iterative  Approach:  Infosys  adopted  an  iterative  approach  to  project  execution,  breaking  down

              work into manageable increments and delivering value to customers in short cycles. This approach
              allowed  the  company  to  gather  feedback  early  and  adapt  its  strategies  accordingly,  ensuring

              alignment with customer expectations.
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