Page 42 - IMDR - Journal of Management Development and Research - March2019-20
P. 42
new age millennial working in SMEs. The newfound sectors in business have created
extremely narrow- minded individuals who are unable to look at life beyond their
careers. Working for extremely long hours, constant struggle to meet deadlines, peer
pressure, competition has left little time for them to think beyond professions and
meeting daily demands.
The concept of self-actualisation refers to a person’s capability to be with one’s
unique self and it also implies best use of human powers of reason, imagination,
productiveness, relatedness with fellow and nature. (1). In contrast, one can see how
today’s professionals are disillusioned with narrow specialisation, for instance many
an engineer changes their career path and venture into field of fine arts, filmmaking,
or a finance professional turns to dramatics or social work. Today you can see many a
IT professional getting into start-ups completely unrelated to their fields. Engineers
find satisfaction in selling juices and hotel rooms. The point is that professionals
switch career tracks because Self-actualisation need satisfaction is not possible in
narrow professional roles. This trend seems to be spreading quite rapidly amongst the
new generation. Once the concept of self- actualisation is ingrained in the mind of this
new age person, he automatically moves in a direction which gives him overall
satisfaction in work and life and moves him towards the path of self- actualisation.
What is Self- Actualisation?
Top end of Maslow’s need hierarchy is occupied by Self actualisation need. It
constitutes following dimensions of human behaviour:
1. A drive to become what one is capable of becoming
2. Growth and maturity
3. A need to surpass self even after winning acclaim for achievement from
4. Achieving potential and
5. Self – fulfilment
Most critical part of self-actualisation (SA) need is that a person can satisfy this need
only with his or her internal resources, like passion, engagement, love, imagination
and it cannot be satisfied from external or material resources. Human development is
significantly different from growth in GDP. Unlike animals, man has capacity to
move to higher order- needs that go beyond survival or physical existence. One
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