Page 46 - IMDR - Journal of Management Development and Research - March2019-20
P. 46

the reality at workplace or society is that an individual delegates authority up to super-

                       ordinates (taken as superiors!) and then it is delegated downwards. At workplace, an
                       employee authorises higher ups to supervise, monitor, support, disciple, promote or

                       sack  him.  Especially  in  owner  driven  SMEs,  the  concept  of  authority  is  extremely
                       powerful.  This  is  often  not  the  case  in  larger  organizations  and  MNCs  where  an

                       individual gets more flexibility and freedom. For a typical Indian, authority is not an
                       absolute or mystical power bur a rational instrument to help us focus on and work

                       towards the primary purpose of work organisation, society, government, family and

                       social institutions.
                       The point is that self-actualisation is a struggle when legitimate and moral authority of

                       the self is denied by individual and the society.

                       It is interesting to note that two of the needs in Maslow’s need hierarchy are generally
                       not highlighted in management text books on the theme of motivation; 1 Need for

                       freedom  of  inquiry  and  expression,  social  conditions  that  permit  free  speech,
                       encourage  justice,  fairness  and  honesty  and  2  Need  for  curiosity,  learning,

                       philosophising, and experimenting.
                       Needless to say, need for free expression, which is basis of political democracy, is

                       also an essential condition for human development. This point gets critical importance

                       in the contemporary Indian and global context.
                       In the present climate of racism, communalism, jingoism at global and national levels,

                       it  is  difficult  to  maintain  humanist  beliefs  of  actualisation  of  nobler  self  of  man.
                       Human  history  is  full  of  examples  of  degeneration  human  potential  due  to  social,

                       cultural and political repression. Postmodern world has witnessed both elevation and
                       dehumanisation  of  human  potential.  We  do  have  stalwarts  like  Steve  Jobs,  Baba

                       Amte, Laurie Baker , Anil Avachat and also many other men and women who have

                       utilised  their  potential  and  made  extraordinary  things  in  their  ordinary  lives    .  Mr
                       Subrato  Bagchi,  CEO,  MindTree,(4) had described how his  high school  educated ,

                       blind  mother  inspired  him  due  to  her  selfless  life  and  relatedness  with  family  ,

                       neighbourhood and nature .
                       Nonetheless,  we  do  experience  de-humanisation  at  societal  level  due  to

                       communalism,  racism  and  jingoism  all  over  the  world.  The  violence  of  the
                       contemporary  world  would  frighten  even  ferocious  animals.  Animals  kill  other

                       animals only for prey and only when they are hungry. In contrast, man kills other men
                       even  though  he  does  not  consume  what  he  kills.  And  this  is  done  in  the  name  of

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