P. 96

Figure No. 31 – Willful Defaulter

                                     (Figure No. 31) This shows
                                    misuse of the facility and

                                    the funds being made
                                    available to the borrowers.
                                    This leads to economic loss
                                    and hinders the availability

                                    to funds to more genuine
          borrowers. This problem could only be solved with
          stricter actions against willful defaulters.

             Figure No. 32 - Legal Action against defaulters

          Also, to understand whether
          the required actions  are
          taken against the defaulters
          by       their      respective

          financial  institutions,  the
          respondents  were asked
          to share their experience.
          Majority i.e. 88% responded

          that  their  institutions  do
          take legal actions against such willful defaulters.
          Although this is  a solution,  but legal  processes
          increase the costs to the Lenders and also

          consume time  and other resources. The overall
          proposition does not stay very encouraging with
          such experiences (Figure No. 32).

   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101