Page 45 - IMDR MSME BOOK 2021
P. 45
Managing Finance in Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Cost management helps a rm to forecast the future
expenditures in line with their budgeting goals. It helps
in identifying, collecting, classifying, and collating
information that can be used by rms in planning,
controlling, and taking decisions to keep costs in the
desirable limits.
The Break-even analysis is also called Cost Volume Prot
analysis. It is an analytical tool for studying the
relationship among volume, cost, price, and prots. It is
an integral part of the prot planning process, which
helps the rm to target desired sales volume, prot or
control cost and align the concerned decisions
accordingly. A break-even analysis is a nancial tool
which helps to determine the number of products or
services a company should sell to cover its costs
(particularly xed costs). The break-even point is when
the total costs equal total revenue. The total cost
comprises both the xed and the variable cost. For any
business, it is important to determine their break-even
point to help them in the decision-making process.
In the present study it is found that 87% of the
respondent rms have clear ideas of xed costs of
running their business. It means out of 199 rms; 174
rms have complete understanding of the quantum and
signicance of the xed cost and its role in cost
management. When asked about break-even sales of
their product, 80% of the rms have clear idea about the
break-even analysis and they are aware of breakeven
point of their specic products.
To understand the perception of the respondent
business units towards the effectiveness of breakeven
analysis for the organisation the constructs have been
designed and opinion obtained with the help of Five-
point Likert scale with the corresponding scores ranging
from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1).