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My Linguistic Journey

                              Needless  to  say,  a  journey  of   that time, I started finding more enchanting ways of
                              any  sort  is  multifarious  and   expanding my vocabulary. I started watching TV
                              given the word limits I’ll try my   series,  movies  and  Hindi  programs  (stringently
                              best to keep the description of   with  subtitles)  on  Netflix.  During  the  aforesaid
                              mine as compendious and brief     period I could not watch anything with calmness. I
                              as  possible.  This  writeup  is  a   was too focused on the subtitles and dialogues, so
                              delineation of the apotheosis of   much so my focus rendered me impervious to the
             Siddarth Ananthath  my  passion  for  the  English   awesomeness  of  the  scenes.  I  remembered  any
            language. Before starting I’d like to say that the   scene with its dialogues and not by the actions in it.
            words  of  this  post  are  not  dictated  by  hubris,   In order to prevent my grasp of the newly learned
            pomposity, vanity and conceit.                      words from being tenuous I started imagining how I
            It all started with Pickwick Papers I was gifted on   would have written any particular dialogue if I were
            October 16 2016. Back then my brain did not have    to write it in conjunction with reading the original
            as many words as it does now. Perusal of a classic   one. For me watching a movie became a taxing
            used  to  be  an  onerous  and  strenuous  task.  I   task, insofar as that it caused my hair to grow white.
            embarked  on  the  journey  of  amassing  and       Finally, October 4 2018 arrived, the day when I
            garnering  knowledge  of  words  from  2015  and    started reading Pickwick Papers de novo. To my
            when I put my knowledge to test on the day I got    surprise, reading it was not as difficult as it once
            Pickwick Papers, to my consternation my efforts     used to be. During the time when I refrained from
            were  futile.  I  was  crestfallen.  Notwithstanding   reading, I wrote many a post to keep in touch with
            dedicating a prodigious amount of time to evincing   the words I learned. After reading Pickwick Papers
            incandescent  ardor  for  studying  words  and  their   I  found  that  my  writing  style  is  redolent  and
            structures, there were a great many words I did not   reminiscent  of  the  styles  of  now  dead  literary
            know. After this I could not muster the courage and   luminaries.I am now rejoicing in the fact that my
            will to proceed. I almost ceased my fruitless efforts.   efforts  did  not  turn  out  to  be  inefficacious  and
            I  decided  to  abstain  from  reading  much  for  a
            decided period of time i.e., a year and a half. During

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