Page 48 - demo
P. 48
Session on Automobile Industry
A session was conducted on the Thus the nucleus of the session was to make
recent trends in the automobile students aware enough to be able to make a plan so
sector and ways to enter into the that they are employable in future. He also decided
automobile industry for jobs as to guide students for interviews during placements
freshers. Ashish Marathe, an for the sector. The whole session was an interactive
esteemed alumnus of the 2002-
04 batch of IMDR guided the
Pratik Zende students.
The session commenced with a brief introduction
by him, followed by his background. The session
continued with making the students familiar with
types of automobiles and various companies
manufacturing automobiles. He also stressed upon
the secondary industries to automobiles which one with students participating actively in the
support the automobile industry like: Insurance, discussion put forward by the spokesperson.
Petroleum etc.
Thus the nucleus of the session was to make
The main focus of the session was to make students students aware enough to be able to make a plan so
aware about how to make an inroad into the that they are employable in future. He also decided
automobile industry as a fresher with Marketing as to guide students for interviews during placements
a specialization and the scope of the industry in for the sector. The whole session was an interactive
future. He also stressed on the dynamic change one with students participating actively in the
happening across the industry with change in
government policies and demand of vehicles
according to today’s generation. He also spoke
about the shift from Petrol & Diesel cars to Electric
cars and also mentioned that 2023 would be an era
of electric vehicles.