Page 114 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 114
and organisations may implement workers’ job happiness. Employees
a policy regarding flexible work are more likely to stay with a
schedules. company for a long period if they
• Through this study, it receive fringe benefits Employees
has been determined that non- expected increased opportunities
financial perks and employee work for fringe benefits to thank them for
satisfaction are related. Fringe their hard work. Since the employees
benefits, whether they are non- have flexible work schedules, health
monetary or otherwise, have a protection plans, recreation leaves
significant impact on employees’ including yearly leave, sick leave,
levels of satisfaction. and maternity leave, and overtime
facility, providing fringe benefits has
Conclusion proven to be a crucial and significant
Various improvements have been policy for the firm. Fringe benefits
made to human resource practices; are crucial for every business because
earlier versions of these techniques they have a direct, positive impact
had never been thought of. This on employee happiness. The more
study analyses the relationship satisfied an employee is with his or
between fringe benefits and her work and offerings, the more
employee job satisfaction, along likely they are to be devoted, caring,
with its key dimensions, health and profitable for the company.
protection benefits, overtime, Lastly, flexible working hours
recreation leaves, and flexible are quite satisfying for employees
working hours. Employers are, because they can arrange their job in
however, constantly looking for a simple, forgiving schedule without
devoted workers who can work and sacrificing quality. Companies and
contribute to the improvement organizations should always have a
of the company. The study’s flexible working policy to encourage
findings and analysis demonstrate employees to work long hours with
and support the existence of a dedication.
link between fringe benefits and