Page 113 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 113

and boost the human resource’s      Discussion of findings
       contribution    to    enterprises’  •     When it  comes to the
       productivity. However, in contrast   level of employee satisfaction,
       to other studies, a different strategy   recreation leave appears to be the
       has been used in this investigation.   most  significant  category  of  fringe
       This study  compares  various non-  benefits.  Recreational  leave  should
       monetary fringe perks and focuses   be sought out and made available in
       on  the  differences  between  them.   the form of casual leave, sick leave,
       It focuses on the kind of fringe   annual leave, or maternity leave as it
       perk  that  most  significantly  raises   has a significant beneficial impact on
       employee happiness.                employee satisfaction. Employees
        Fringe  benefits  are  important  for  are more at ease and less bothered
       every business because they have a  by their personal  obligations  than
       direct, positive impact on employee  their obligations at work the more
       satisfaction.  The  more  satisfied  an  paid time off they receive.
       employee is with his or her work    •     Secondly, health insurance
       or  offerings,  the  more  likely  they   benefits  are  a  significant  fringe
       are to be dedicated, caring, and   benefit   that   boost   employee
       successful  for  the  organization.   satisfaction and are recognized as
       The study’s findings demonstrated   one of the most valued incentives
       that fringe benefits had a favorable   that a business can provide. As a
       and  significant  impact  on  worker   result, businesses and organisations
       performance. It also demonstrated   need to implement policies and
       that employees work harder and     initiatives that support and promote
       are more productive if employers   the requirement that workers receive
       offer  them  additional  health    health benefits. It aids in keeping on
       protection  benefits.  In  light  of   board high-potential workers.
       this, Mathis’ (2013) assertion that
       “health  concerns  may  influence   •     Thirdly, compared to other
       an  organization’s  operations  and   fringe  benefits,  flexible  working
       individual employee productivity”   hours have a marginally less negative
       is supported. This study found a   effect  on  employee  satisfaction
       significant  link  between  employee   because they enable workers to
       job satisfaction and fringe benefits.   arrange their workloads according
       It also showed various types of    to   more    forgiving  schedules
       fringe benefits which gives employee   without  sacrificing  quality.  To
       job satisfaction.                  encourage employees to work long
                                          hours with dedication, businesses

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