Page 18 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 18

work     satisfaction,  employee   the manufacturing sector, men earn
       engagement,   and    productivity  24% more than women. However,
       when incorporated  within a  larger  this is merely a portion of the overall
       compensation strategy.             picture. Women frequently receive

        With the proper policy design     much lower pay than males in the
       and implementation, these policies   unorganized sector, particularly in
       can  effectively  highlight  wage   industries  like agriculture, due  to
       discrepancies  and  encourage  firms   perceived  abilities  that  differ  from
       to  fix  the  inequities  they  discover.   men. According to Kishore Poduri,
       There is more complexity here, even   country head-HR DBS Bank
       though the gender pay gap is just the   India, the pay gap has been one
       average difference in compensation   of  the  most  significant  difficulties
       between working men and women.     facing women in the workforce. It
       The  difference  is  more  evident  if   further grows as they advance in
       you compare the corrected and      their careers. He claims that these
       unadjusted figures. The unadjusted   ingrained  biases  include  denying
       wage gap and the adjusted wage gap   women promotions or salary raises
       are two separate figures. The latter   just  because  they  plan  to  file  for
       considers disparities in criteria,   maternity leave or evaluating a
       including occupation, education,   person’s performance based on
       and employment experience, while   whether they would be available
       the  former  merely  differentiates   outside of regular business hours.
       between the mean and median        He thinks  businesses are bringing
       incomes of the two genders.        change, but more work needs to
                                          be done. He asserts that, despite
        Women in India make 19%           fewer women to hire overall due to
       less money than men, according     low female workforce participation,
       to the Monster Salary Index        “if  they  have  to  take  professional
       (MSI) published in March 2019.     vacations,  their   compensation
       According to the report, the male   might knock when they come back.”
       population in India earned a       In organizations, there are both
       median gross hourly wage of 242.49   conscious and unconscious biases
       in 2018, compared to 196.3 for     against women, which become
       women, representing a difference of   more evident as women move up
       46.19. The poll found a gender pay   the hierarchy. According to a 2018
       disparity in many vital industries.   LinkedIn study, the vast  majority
       Men earn 26% more than women in    of participants (61%) believe that
       the IT services industry, whereas, in   the job description’s remuneration

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