Page 22 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 22

•    Direct    labor     market    •  Entry  hurdles:  Women  also
       discrimination:  People  with  the  confront entry  barriers to the
       same talent, education, and work  workforce, which impacts their
       experience  are  treated  differently  possibilities for promotion and
       solely due to their gender, i.e., they  salary growth.
       are  paid  differently  for  the  same   • Parenting obligations and
       work, and the qualifications for the   requirements: These factors may
       same pay level are different for each   result in gender discrimination
       gender.                            in the workplace and, ultimately,
        •  Occupational  discrimination:  GPG.  Women  frequently  choose
       Women are disproportionately  part-time employment or even
       chosen for low-paying positions  career breaks  to balance  parental
       like secretaries, teachers, nurses, and  responsibilities.
       other healthcare professionals, and   •  Returning  to  the  office  after  a
       even in these positions, they are paid   career break: Women are frequently
       less than men (IWPR 2009).         offered  lesser  salaries  than  their

        • Undervaluation of women’s  male coworkers, and there is no
       labor: Given that family, caregiving  assurance that they will be awarded
       is generally considered a woman’s  an equivalent job in the company
       primary   responsibility,  it  is  following their maternity leave
       reasonable  to  offer  women  similar  (World Bank, 2016).
       employment opportunities as men     • Women without children: Since
       in the labor market (UNIFEM,       employers view  these women as
       2005).  In India, women  commit    potential mothers, they are not the
       three times as much to unpaid care   employers’ first option (Goldberg &
       work as men (ILO, 2016).           Hill, 2007).
        •  The  selection  effect:  Women   • Single women are frequently
       frequently do not have a choice in   turned down for jobs because they
       specific employment (occupations),   tend to leave their jobs after getting
       but companies typically favor male   married, move in with their partner,
       employees over female employees.   or even take time off for weddings.
       (2004) Pertersen and Snartland.
                                           • Social Fabric: Negative workplace
        • Lack of negotiating power in the   relationships with coworkers can
       labor market due to the division of   result in less productivity. In Indian
       labor based on gender forces women   society, some male employees
       to accept low-paying positions.    could  get resentful  if they  have to

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