Page 23 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 23
work alongside or obey women. workers and their representatives
Therefore, to maximize productivity with more information to combat
and earnings, businesses may pay discrimination, and to help
choose to separate male and female governments identify when, where,
personnel at work. and how to target gender wage
• Assumptions about women’s inequalities. Pay transparency
productivity: Because they are initiatives can be particularly crucial
perceived as less productive than to eliminate the discriminatory
males, women are frequently wage gap or the portion of the
not given preference regarding gender wage difference that cannot
promotions to higher levels of the be attributable to observable worker
professional hierarchy. This might attributes, like degree of education.
lead to most women congregating According to the report, three
at the bottom of the occupational crucial pay transparency tools exist
hierarchy. to bridge the gender wage gap. They
include employer pay gap reporting,
The gender pay gap tends to rise equal pay auditing systems, and
due to all these causes. equal pay in collective bargaining.
According to the report on ‘Pay Governments working to close
Transparency Tools to Close the the gender wage gap are gaining
Gender Wage Gap’ by the OECD momentum with pay transparency
in 2022, it can be understood and salary mapping policies.
that the goal of pay transparency
and wage mapping policies is to
draw attention to gender salary
inequalities in organizations.
Pay transparency measures are
considered especially crucial for
eliminating the discriminatory Image Source:
wage gap, or the portion of the
gender wage difference that cannot Many factors influence the
be attributable to visible worker gender wage gap. One problem is
characteristics like level and field horizontal segregation, which refers
of education (Hofman et al., 2020; to the concentration of men and
European Commission, 2020). women in particular industries or
The purpose of such measures is occupations. Women are typically
to urge companies to prevent and underrepresented in professions that
rectify pay imbalance, to provide pay comparatively higher incomes,