Page 24 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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such as science and technology earned by males is earned by women
positions, and overrepresented in in India, according to the World
professions that pay relatively lower Economic Forum’s Gender Gap
wages, like caregiving and service Report 2021. The rising pay gap
sector jobs. Women’s income is also has numerous causes, including
impacted by vertical segregation, lower gender participation in
which is the concentration of men the industry, organizational
and women in various job levels. prejudices against women in certain
Knowing whether, how, and how professions, and women returning
much such discrepancies exist is to labor after a pause in their careers.
essential for closing the gender wage Communicating pay principles
gap. Administrative data and labor and band- and grade-specific wage
force statistics can help researchers ranges with employees is known
and governments determine when as partial pay transparency. It is
gender wage discrepancies exist and currently practiced by a relatively
what might be causing them at the small number of organizations
aggregate level - within a workforce, in India. Only entry-level retail,
town, region, country, and so on. hospitality, beauty, and wellness
The so-called observable elements positions practice total pay
influencing the gender wage gap transparency. As they would like to
are the worker’s age, degree of pay more to deserving applicants
education, subject of study, industry, or new recruiting candidates, the
employment site, parenting status, Indian industry still operates mainly
and other elements. with partial pay.
Analysis and findings According to the report on ‘Pay
Most organizations have struggled Transparency Tools to Close the
to achieve pay fairness, not just in Gender Wage Gap’ by the OECD
India but throughout the world. in 2022, employers are required by
According to numerous research pay reporting regulations to publish
findings, there may be a real pay gender pay gap figures regularly,
disparity in organizations based on such as the difference between
gender, race, color, or ethnicity. In men’s and women’s average or
India, the wage disparity primarily median salaries. Stakeholders may
affects professionals who perform receive access to this reporting,
comparable work and hold including employees, workers’
comparable tasks and positions. representatives, social partners, a
Only 21% of the total income government agency, and the general
public. It is also crucial to evaluate