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the  sport  psychologist,  and  the  athlete;             The Results: Out of Our Control
       however, a knowledgeable and interested                   Acknowledging that is important for the
       coach can learn basic psychological skills                athlete, followed by focusing on capitalizing
       and impart them to the athlete, especially                on  things  within  one’s  control.  “If  you’re  a
       during actual practice.                                   basketball  player  and  your  jump  shot  is
                                                                 struggling, perhaps focus on controlling
       Performance Anxiety:                                      your efforts on rebounds,” Mikesell says. “By
       Identify The Reality, Name It, and Tame                   allowing yourself to say that hey there are
       It - Different athletes  experience different             things in my control that I can do, that takes
       pressures when it comes to tryouts.  For a                some of the pressure off of hitting every
       seasoned player, it may be ‘What line will I              single jump shot.”  At the end of the day, it’s
       play on?’ while for another athlete it may be             important to recognize that pressure and
       ‘I  just  want  to  make  the  team.’  Regardless         nerves are a normal part of tryout week, and
       of the situation, the worries often stem                  experiencing them isn’t a sign of weakness.
       from a common denominator.   Mikesell                     Yet  when  the  going  gets  tough,  gratitude
       emphasizes that it’s important for athletes               can be a great way to center oneself and
       to acknowledge and recognize that. After                  remind us why we’re there.
       that? Changing the mindset from viewing
       things as a threat to instead, a challenge.               Branches of Sports Psychology:
       “There’s  fear  of  people’s  opinion  and  that          •  Social  Psychology:  The  study  of  group
       can feel threatening and then we focus on                 dynamics, including the social behavior
       everything that we’re doing wrong, “(When                 of sportsmen in play situations, with group
       you start feeling nervous when coaches are                and society is one of the important parts
       watching), come back to what is important                 of this discipline. This also deals with
       at the moment,” Mikesell says. “Think about               cooperation, attitude toward competition,
       where your attention is at. If it’s about being           group     formation,      group     maintenance,
       judged by the coach, then it’s in the future              group cohesion, sociometry, leadership,
       and  we’re  playing  the  what-if  game.  You             management,  and  social  and  cultural
       have  to bring  your  attention back  to  the             effects on the performer.
       present because that’s the only way you’re                •  Educational  Psychology  of  Sports:  This
       going to perform well.”                                   is connected with the motivation and
       It’s okay to be nervous, and even more                    learning  of  the  athletes  such  as  retention,
       important to acknowledge it. When those                   reminiscence, transfer of coaching, and
       nerves kick in, we often go from cruise control           teaching. Athletes must receive process
       that results from thousands of previous reps              and retain information for subsequent use.
       to manual autopilot, focusing on mechanics                The coach is responsible for creating an
       that prevent  us  from  playing freely.  To get           environment in which information can be
       back to cruise control, Mikesell recommends               efficiently received.
       using tactical breathing and focusing on                  • Developmental psychology: This deals with
       sensations  rather  than  mechanics.    “It               the growth of human beings from birth to
       could be building in a deep breath, maybe                 death.  1)  The  heredity  and  environmental
       focusing on how we want the movement                      influence      on     the    performer       during
       to feel,” Mikesell says. “Instead of thinking I           competition 2) optimal age for learning the
       want my arm to be here or my release point                skills of different types 3) The peak years of
       to be here, it could be ‘I want to feel smooth.           performance 4) The sex and age difference
                                                                 of the competitors and its influence on the
                                                                 performance level.

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