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• Clinical psychology: This deals with Conclusion:
behavior and psychological disorders. This Failure or success in the area usually
may be due to the following various reasons, depends on mental aspects almost as
1) Injuries received during training and physical ones. Sports psychologists realize
competition 2) Inability to adopt a particular the remarkable effect of the athlete\’s
system of play 3) Due to phobia (fear) and mindset and concentrate on preparing the
disappointments t4) Due to defeatism ( brain to conquer obstacles on the field while
negativity). improving trust for optimum performance
Every single one of us has an untapped
Emotions in sports: source of energy which may be drawn upon
In the sports context, there are three to take about outstanding outcomes. Sports
interrelated types of performance-related Psychology does apply to a large number of
experiences: state-like experiences, or extreme athletes. Most of the pupils (junior,
emotional states, as a component of professional athletes, college, and high
situational, multimodal, and dynamic school) are highly devoted to excellence
manifestations of total human functioning; and seeing the distance they can go to
trait-like experiences, or relatively stable sports. They like tests as well as competition
emotion patterns (emotionality, dispositions, themselves against the very best in their
qualities) reflecting a repeated nature of sport. They realize the value of an optimistic
athletic activity; and meta-experiences attitude as well as mental toughness. These
(awareness, attitudes, preferences/ athletes would like every possible benefit
rejections of one’s experiences; Mayer & they can buy like the mental advantage of
Stevens, 1994), which are lessons learned the competition.
or reflected experiences in successful and
less than successful performances (Hanin, References
2004). • Handbook of Sport Psychology *(third
The findings indicate that pleasant emotions edition) by Gershon Tenenbaum and Robert
are not always beneficial for successful C. Eklund
performance (Hanin, 1997, 2000). Too much • Department of PE compiled by Dr.
of pleasant emotions can sometimes lead Thirumalai Kumar (study material on sports
to poor performance due to complacency psychology)
and underestimation of task demands • www.psychology
insufficient focus and dysfunctional energy •
levels (too high or too low). Therefore, benefits-of-sports-psychology-for-
although some athletes perform up to their the-improvement-of-performance-of-
potential when they are stress-free, others sportspersons
deliberately generate and use competitive • Importance of sports psychology in PE
stress to their advantage as an additional AND SPORTS (paper by) Dr.K.Raghavendra,
resource and a tool for mobilization in Physical Education Director Govt First Grade
emergencies. College – Ranebennu Haveri (dt) Karnataka
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