Page 58 - CONNECT 2023-24
P. 58

Revolutionizing Sports Management

                                        The Impact of Technology in Sports

                                                                                                - Aanchal Jaiswal

       Abstract                                                  make data-driven decisions to optimize
       The sports industry is undergoing a profound              athlete performance.
       transformation, with Information Technology               Moreover, technology has also transformed
       (IT) playing a central role in this evolution. In         the way  sports  organizations  market and
       this paper, we delve into the influence of IT             promote their events. Social media platforms,
       on sports organizations, unveiling how it has             such as Facebook and Twitter, have become
       fundamentally altered their operations and                important tools for sports organizations to
       interactions with diverse audiences. This                 connect with fans, share news and updates,
       journey  is  marked  by  ingenuity,  as  major            and promote their events.
       IT software solutions offered by prominent
       IT  companies  facilitate  a  more  efficient,            Software Used in sports:
       streamlined, and data-driven approach                     1) SBG Software
       to sports management. Sports governing                    SBG stands for Sports Broadcasting Graphics
       bodies  have  enthusiastically  adopted  a                and is a software used in motorsports for race
       range of robust IT software solutions to                  control. This software provides live graphics
       enhance the regulation and execution of                   and data on screen during a race, allowing
       sports management. These IT solutions                     viewers to track the progress of individual
       come with various advantages, such as                     drivers and teams, as well as providing real-
       heightened operational efficiency and more                time data on lap times, speeds, and other
       well-informed       decision-making.         These        key performance indicators.
       digital elements have been instrumental in                • Car setup: SBG software analyzes vehicle
       shaping  the modern  landscape of  sports                 sensor  data  to  optimize  car  configuration
       management, ushering in an era defined by                 for track and racing conditions, e.g. tire
       innovation and enhanced connectivity.                     pressure and suspension settings.
                                                                 •  Race  strategy:  SBG  software  uses  real-
       Introduction                                              time vehicle sensor data to create a
       The use of information technology in                      racing strategy, e.g. pit stop timing
       sports management has revolutionized                      and       driver      strategy       adjustments.
       the way sports organizations operate,
       resulting  in  more  efficient  and  effective
       management of various aspects of sports
       activities. The integration of technology
       in sports management has provided new
       opportunities for data collection, analysis,
       and utilization, allowing sports organizations
       to make more informed decisions.
       For instance, the use of wearable technology
       has made it possible  to monitor athlete
       performance  and  training  in  real-time,
       wearable technology such as GPS tracking
       devices and heart rate monitors provide
       data on the physical demands of training
       and competition, allowing coaches and
       trainers to tailor training programs and

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