Page 54 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 54
"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal" E - Book Year 2020
easy access to technology through smart phones is catching popularity among
respondents.35% of the respondents said yes, that they are tech savvy, 18% said no
and 47 % said that they are somewhat tech savvy. Majority of the respondents are of the
opinion that they have moderate level of expertise in using technology.18% of the
respondents said that they spend less than one hour daily for e-learning, 55% of the
respondents spend 1-3 hours, 19 % respondents spend 3-5 hours and 9% respondents
spend more than 5 hours daily for e-learning .Majority of the respondents are devoting
1-3 hours in a day to e-learning.
60% of the respondents said yes, 10% said No and 30% said sometimes when they were
asked to tell if they are facing any difculty while attending online sessions due to
network/ internet issues. It shows that network / internet issues have been posing
challenges to the majority of the respondents/ e-learners.
53% of the respondents had a prior experience of attending online session but 47%
respondents said that they are attending online sessions for the rst time due to
lockdown situation.44% of the respondents believed that e-learning platforms are user
friendly, whereas 18% did not agree to this, and 38% respondents believed that e-
learning platforms are somewhat user friendly. It reveals that the majority of
respondents are facing problems while using e-learning platform effectively.
Perceived Usefulness of E-Learning
The perception of the respondents towards e-learning has been identied with the help
of Five point Likert scale with the corresponding scores ranging from Strongly Agree (5)
to Strongly Disagree (1). In order to identify perception of the students ten constructs
have been framed. The responses have been displayed with the help of bar charts given
in Figure No.6 & 7. The analysis has been done by measuring responses at the given
levels of agreement for each of the construct with the percentage of responses to each
of the levels. Mean score has been computed for each construct on a ve-point scale.
Figure No. 6 : Perception of students’ towards e-learning (Constructs 1-5)