Page 55 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 55

"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal"                                             E - Book Year 2020

           The responses received for ten constructs have been displayed in Figure No.6 & 7, which have
           further discussed   along with their mean scores. As per the responses received,   Majority (
           43%)  of the respondents were agreed to the distinctive feature of e-learning  which says that e-
           learning provides an opportunity to learn on your own pace.31% of the respondents were
           strongly agreed with the statement. The mean score is 3.91 which shows majority of the
           respondents are agree that at their own pace of learning they can learn through online mode.
           The e-learning is said to be free of geographical boundaries. The Majority of respondents (45%)
           had given their strong agreement to the statement which says that e-learning can enable people
           to study; irrespective of where they are located in the world.36% respondents were agreed to the
           given statement. The mean score is 4.1 which supports that majority of the respondents are
           comfortably agreed to the statement.
           Majority  (46%)  of  the  respondents  were  agreed  that  sometimes  e-  learning  is  a  one  way
           communication, 27% had shown their strong agreement to the statement. 21% had neutral
           opinion. The mean score is 3.94 which shows that majority of the respondents felt that two way
           interaction during online session is not always possible.
           Majority (57%) of the respondents were strongly agreed to the statement that face to face
           teaching has more impact on attentiveness of the student during session in comparison to
           online sessions, whereas 31% had shown their agreement to the given statement. The mean
           score is 4.4 which shows that majority of the respondents believed that students tend to be
           comparatively more attentive while attending face to face teaching session.
           Majority (49%) of the respondents were strongly agreed to the statement that e – learning
           should be optional. It cannot be a substitute of face to face learning. 34%   of the respondents
           were  agreed  to  the  statement.  The  mean  score  is  4.26  which  shows  that  majority  of  the
           respondents believed that e-learning cannot replace face to face learning.
           Majority (40%) of the respondents   preferred to be neutral when it comes to an easy access to
           study material in case of  online sessions which may have positive impact on learning.27% of
           the respondents had given their agreement to the statement. The mean score is 3.34 which go
           with the overall neutral opinion of the respondents about the easy access to study material and
           videos and its positive impact on learning.
           Majority (29%) of the respondents have neutral opinion about  having improvement in course
           performance as e-learning save travel time and provide an opportunity to study at the comfort
           of the home. 26% of the respondents were agree and 26% were disagree to the statement. The
           mean score is 3.08 which support the neutral opinion of most of the respondents.
           Majority (48%) of the respondents have given their agreement to the statement that says,
           studying through e-learning mode provides the exibility to study at the time convenient to the
           learner.29% of the respondents are neutral about the same. The mean score is 3.48 which
           support neutral opinion of the respondents.
           Majority (37%) of the respondents were strongly agreed to the statement that e learning lacks
           interaction with instructor & class mates, 28% were just agreed to the same. The mean score is
           3.81 which implies that majority of the respondents are agreed that online sessions are not
           providing an opportunity to interact with instructors and class mates.

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60