Page 174 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
8. Alexis Megan Votto, Rohit Valecha, Peyman Najafirad, H. Raghav Rao 2021 - Artificial Intelligence
in Tactical Human Resource Management: A Systematic Literature Review
9. Saraswati T, Karthikeyan M, C. Balakrishnan, Dr. T. Nithya, B. Maheshwari, Siva Subramanian.R,
2023 -Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: Advancement, Implications and Future
10. Ch Jhansi 2022 - Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management
11. Ginu George, Mary Rohit Thomas 2019- Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
man_ Resource
12. Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022- Role of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
Management: Overview of its benefits and challenges
esou rce_Management_Overview_of_its_benefits_and_challenges