Page 186 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

             2.  Social  Skills  &  Motivation:  Strong  social  skills  ensure  clear  communication  and  collaboration,
                 essential  for  fulfilling  the  terms  of  the  psychological  contract.  Intrinsic  motivation  encourages

                 individuals to go beyond the minimum requirements, exceeding expectations and contributing to the
                 shared success envisioned in the contract.

             3.  Balanced Contract: A balanced contract, characterized by mutual investment and development, thrives

                 on high EI. Individuals contribute their talents and adapt to changing demands, while the organization
                 fosters  their  growth  and  rewards  their  contributions,  leading  to  a  fulfilling  and  sustainable

                 psychological contract.

         This framework highlights the significant role EI plays in various stages of the psychological contract journey.

         By  cultivating  their  emotional  intelligence,  individuals  can  establish  fulfilling  work  relationships  and

         organizations can create an environment conducive to sustained commitment and success. This understanding
         empowers both parties to navigate a dynamic work environment and build mutually beneficial partnerships.

         Research Objectives
         Primary Objective:

               Examine  the  impact  of  employees'  emotional  self-awareness  and  intrinsic  motivation  (key  EI
                 competencies) on their ability to develop psychological contracts that reflect their authentic needs,

                 values, and professional goals.

         Secondary Objectives:
               Investigate  how  employees'  capacity  for  empathy,  relationship  building,  and  communication  (EI

                 competencies) enables effective navigation of psychological contract violations through constructive
                 conflict resolution and expectation realignment.

               Develop and validate a theoretical model mapping how the continual enhancement of EI competencies

                 creates  an  upward  spiral  strengthening  psychological  contracts  over  time  via  trust  formation,
                 adaptability to change, and mutual investment between employees and employers.

         Research Methodology

         The research report is based on secondary data analysis of Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Contracts,

         as published in several papers.

          Data collection.

               Systematic search for relevant publications in academic databases such as Research Gate, European

                 Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
                 Technology, International Journal of Management, and so on.

               Initial inclusion criteria:

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