Page 190 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 190

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24


               Self-management: Strong self-management skills enable both parties to uphold their commitments

                 within the psychological contract. Employees manage their emotions and workloads effectively, while
                 employers  manage  resources  and  expectations  transparently.  This  consistency  builds  trust  and

                 strengthens the perceived value of the exchange.

               Relationship  management:  This  competency  is  crucial  for  navigating  inevitable  challenges  and

                 renegotiating  the  psychological  contract  as  circumstances  change.  Open  communication,  conflict

                 resolution  skills,  and  a  willingness  to  adapt  help  both  parties  feel  heard  and  valued,  even  when
                 adjustments are needed.

         Overall Impact:

         These competencies contribute to a stronger and more fulfilling psychological contract in several ways:

               Increased trust and commitment: When both parties understand and respect each other's needs and

                 expectations, trust builds. This leads to a stronger commitment to the relationship and a willingness to
                 invest in its success.

               Improved communication and collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration require
                 understanding others' perspectives and managing emotions effectively. These competencies foster a

                 more open and productive work environment.

               Enhanced motivation and engagement: When employees feel valued and heard, they are more likely
                 to be motivated and engaged in their work. This leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

               Reduced  conflict  and  turnover:  By  addressing  challenges  constructively  and  renegotiating  the
                 contract as needed, conflicts are minimized, and employee turnover is reduced.

         In conclusion, developing these four key competencies is crucial for both employees and employers to form

         and manage strong psychological contracts. This ultimately leads to a more positive, productive, and rewarding
         work experience for everyone involved.

         The research unveils a captivating interplay between emotional intelligence (EI) and psychological contracts

         within human resources. It reveals a multifaceted relationship where these concepts influence and shape each
         other, impacting employee engagement and organizational success.

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