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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         account.  Search  engine  optimisation,  or  SEO, is  becoming  more  and  more  important  in  drawing  in  new
         customers and building brand recognition. This is a trend that is being seen both internationally and in India.

         Studies conducted by Indian writers, like Patel et al. (2022), highlight how crucial effective SEO strategies are
         for increasing student enrolment and raising educational institutions' online visibility. Additionally, engaging

         in the use of social media content is crucial for both brand perception and student recruitment, a topic that

         Indian academics have also researched in great detail. Research from writers such as Sharma and Singh (2023)
         demonstrate how social media tactics work well for engaging target audiences and changing their opinions

         about  universities.  Indian  researchers  are  increasingly  recognising  and  examining  the  trend  of  influencer
         engagement as a powerful tool for targeted outreach, beyond direct institutional control. Studies like those by

         Gupta  et  al.  (2021)  provide  insight  into  how  effective  it  is  to  work  with  relevant  influencers  to  reach

         demographics and increase the institution's credibility and online presence.

         Lastly, the administration of online reviews is a crucial aspect that has been studied in great detail by

         academics worldwide, including in India. Indian writers such as Kumar and Mishra (2020) emphasise the
         impact of online reviews on student decision-making processes, as well as the importance of proactive

         reputation management strategies for maintaining trust and effectively addressing concerns in the digital

         space. Finally, Indian writers shed light on how young adults make decisions about their education through
         digital marketing. They emphasise the need for customised approaches that use SEO, social media

         interaction, influencer relationships, and online reputation management to effectively connect with potential
         students in a world that is becoming more and more digital.


         1.  To study the impact of Digital Marketing in the education sector.

         2.  To identify the future scope of Digital Marketing in the education sector.

         Need & Scope

         The impact of digital marketing in education must be studied in order to understand how modern marketing

         strategies influence enrolment rates, brand perception, and student engagement. Institutions can evaluate the
         return  on  investment  and  adjust  their  marketing  budgets  by  measuring  the  success  of  digital  campaigns.

         Furthermore,  comparing  traditional  and  digital  methods  offers  insightful  information  about  which  tactics

         perform better in terms of audience engagement and cost-effectiveness. Targeted messaging and individualised
         communication  require  an  understanding  of  audience  behaviour  through  digital  channels  as  educational

         institutions navigate an increasingly competitive landscape. In addition, determining the potential application
         of digital marketing in education in the future requires looking ahead to technological developments, adjusting

         to  shifting  consumer  preferences,  and  investigating  new  platforms  and  distribution  methods.  Accepting
         advances like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and mobile marketing, educational institutions can

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