Page 196 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 196
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
remain on the cutting edge of the field and successfully interact with a broad range of students in a constantly
changing digital landscape.
Research Methodology
The research methodology adopted for this study is a mixed-method approach, combining both quantitative
and qualitative techniques to gather comprehensive insights into the impact of digital marketing in the
education sector. The mixed-method approach allows for triangulation of data, enhancing the validity and
reliability of the findings.
Survey questionnaires were created for students to capture their perspectives on digital marketing in the
education sector.
The questionnaire for students consisted of fifteen questions that focused on their understanding, interests,
and initiatives related to digital marketing tactics used by universities.
To collect quantitative data and qualitative insights, both questionnaires combined open-ended and closed-
ended (multiple-choice) questions.
Participants for the survey were selected using convenience sampling. Participants were asked to be willing
participants, including students from various educational backgrounds and institutions.
The viability of data collection and ensuring representation across various demographic groups and
academic fields were taken into consideration when determining the sample size.
The survey questionnaires were distributed electronically via email and online survey platforms to many
students and faculty.
Participants were informed of the purpose of the survey and the confidentiality of their answers, and they
were given clear instructions on how to complete it.
To enable for the collection of enough responses, the data collection period was extended over a
predetermined period
Figure 1. Online Social Networking Platform Users by Age