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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               Rathi, R., & S, U. (2019). Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Psychological Contract of it & Its
                 Employees. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 8(6S), 828–831.

               B, M., & R, S. (2017). A Study on Emotional Intelligence. International Journal for Research Trends

                 and Innovation, 2(5).
               Goudriaan, C. (2016). Determining the impact of emotional intelligence and psychological contract

                 violation on work wellness. North- West University.
               Savarimuthu, A.,  &  Rachel,  A.  J.  (2017).  PSYCHOLOGICAL  CONTRACT-  A CONCEPTUAL

                 FRAMEWORK. International Journal of Management (IJM), 8(5), 101–110.
               P. Matthijs Bal, Rein De Cooman & Stefan T. Mol (2013): Dynamics of psychological contracts with

                 work engagement and turnover intention: The influence of organizational tenure, European Journal of

                 Work and Organizational Psychology, 22:1, 107-122.

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